Sunday, July 8, 2007

I finally got a new computer.

My name is Wes. I'm a friend of infamous blogger, John Cowart ( who is to blame for inspiring me to start this thing. I don't like to write. He loves it. But I've always known there is something wrong with John. This does not speak well of me, because we've been friends since the 1970s.

Anyway, I have considered starting a blog as a way to reach out to many people from my study without actually having to go out and meet them and put up with them. I'm kind of a borderline misanthrope -- a nice misanthrope -- but a little socially awkward and introverted. However, the important thing related to the reason for this blog is that I am a Christian. I used to be an honest agnostic. But God Himself made Himself known to me when I was in my late teens. Since then my study of the Bible, and of religion vs. Bible Christianity has increasingly convinced me that the Bible is God's self revelation captured in writing by His enablement of chosen persons, and preserved through time by His Providencial protection so that we may know surely the things given to us by God through Jesus Christ.

And that is what I will write about: my thoughts, observations, ruminations, reasonings about why I think Apostolic
Christianity is reasonable and should be believed.

I welcome your feedback. Thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Bloggerland!!!
I guess that is the right word.
The best thing you said, or could possibly say, is that you are a Christian.
For that reason I will be reading you.
Take care, Betty G